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2016 Bill(s)
* SB 600 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Commerce, Consumer & Energy Description: Establish a program by which homeowners within 3 miles of the potentially radioactive West Lake Landfill in St. Louis County could sell their homes to the state Natural Resources Department.
SB 601 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Small Business Description: Declare a rebuttable presumption that any post-traumatic stress disorder suffered by a firefighter is work related for coverage under the Workers' Compensation program that provides coverage for workers have injured on the job.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 602 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Jobs, Economic & Local Gov't Description: Provide a tax credit for adopting a dog or cat from an animal shelter or kennel.
SB 670 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Seniors, Families & Public Health Description: Require the Health Department to encourage long-term care facilities to facilitate family involvement.
* SB 671 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Judiciary Description: Establish various provisions on racial profiling by police. Expand requirements for police to report the race and ethnicity of people who are stopped or arrested. Ferguson related.
SB 672 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Education Description: Change the requirements for sex education in school. Add topics that need to be covered including contraception methods. Repeal a ban on a public school providing materials or instruction from an organization that provides abortion services or referrals.
SB 712 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: IN SCS SB 857 Description: Require school districts to have an official to help parents develop a personal plan of study for a student in ninth grade.
SB 713 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Education Description: Let school districts teach about domestic violence. Impose conent requirements if the school chooses to teach about domestic violence.
SB 714 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Education Description: Impose a two-term limit on members of the state Board of Education.
SB 739 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Transport., Infrastructure & Safety Description: Make it a crime for a parent or guardian to fail to stop illegal possession of a firearm by a minor. Create a crime of negligent storage of a firearm.
SB 740 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Transport., Infrastructure & Safety Description: Make it a crime for a parent or guardian to fail to stop illegal possession of a firearm by a minor. Create a crime of negligent storage of a firearm.
See: Official legislative description and status* SB 741 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: IN SCS SB 661 Description: Impose restrictions in the law that allows police to use deadly force against an unarmed person who has committed or attempted to commit a felony. Authorize a damage lawsuit for interfering with a person's state constitutional rights.
SB 755 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Financial, Gov't Organ. & Elections Description: Put on the statewide ballot a statement that the legislature and state citizens favor an amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing the right to vote.
SB 756 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Rules Description: Provide a tax credit for contributions to political campaigns.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 757 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Financial, Gov't Organ. & Elections Description: Expand voter registration. Require the Secretary of State to establish an automatic voter registration process based on driving license information. Allow registration at educational institutions. Allow registration on election day at the polling place.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 758 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Judiciary Description: Include whether race was a signficant factor in the issues the Supreme Court is required to consider when reviewing a death sentence. Establish separate appeal grounds on the basis of race being a factor in a death sentence.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 759 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Judiciary Description: Prohibit an employer from disclosing an employee's work schedule, address or phone number.
SB 760 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Governmental Accountability Description: Prohibit a workforce development agency from omitting from a bidding process any entity with which it has a contract. Impose a penalty for violation.
SB 761 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Judiciary Description: Exempt marijuana possession from the drug crimes for which any money found near by is subject to seizure and forfeiture.
* SB 762 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Judiciary Description: Legalize marijuana possession.
See: Official legislative description and status* SB 763 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Transport., Infrastructure & Safety Description: Various provisions arising from Ferguson. Require the governor to contract with a human rights organization to monitor a state of emergency declared for civil unrest. Restrict when a cop can use deadly force. Require cops to wear body cameras. Restrict when tear gas can be used.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 764 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Education Description: Restrict rights of students to transfer out of accredited schools. Base accreditation upon attendance centers rather than the entire district in St. Louis and Kansas City. Enact provisions designed to assist unaccredited districts. The governor vetoed similar bills in 2014 and 2015.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 892 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Jobs, Economic & Local Gov't Description: Require St. Louis City and County establish a program to award at least 50 percent of their contracts to businesses owned by women, minorities or that is socially or economically disadvantaged.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 956 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Governmental Accountability Description: Declare that the state is not responsible for the debts of a city that has become insolvent.
SB 957 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Small Business Description: Increase the base minimum wage from $6.50 to $15.00 per hour. With annual cost-of-living adjustment, the minimum wage in January 2016 is $7.65.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 1125 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Education Description: Impose a seven-year limit for how long an unaccredited school district can be run by a board appointed by the State Board of Education.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 1126 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Education Description: Require government employers advise public employees of public service loan forgiveness programs. Require the Higher Education Department establish "guidance regarding notice of public employee eligibility for public service loan forgiveness."
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 1127 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Education Description: Require school districts provide to new hires information about public service loan forgiveness programs. Require the Higher Education Department establish "guidance regarding notice of public employee eligibility for public service loan forgiveness."
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 1149 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Commerce, Consumer & Energy Description: Require disclosure of radon hazards prior to purchase of residential property.
See: Official legislative description and status* SJR 21 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Jobs, Economic & Local Gov't Description: Make St. Louis City part of St. Louis County.
See: Official legislative description and status* SJR 31 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Jobs, Economic & Local Gov't Description: Require a re-call vote of the St. Louis County executive.
* SJR 37 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Appropriations Description: Require the legislature fully fund the School Foundation Program through which state funds are allocated to public schools. For several years, approrpations for local schools have been several hundred million dollars below wat the legal forumal for school allocation requires.
See: Official legislative description and status
SJR 43 Sponsor:Chappelle-Nadal, Maria Status: S Judiciary Description: Impose a four-term limit for a member of the U.S. House from Missouri.
See: Official legislative description and status
Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.